Symposium on Oligometastatic

Esophagogastric Cancer

We are pleased to invite you to the symposium on oligometastatic esophagogastric cancer, which will take place on October 24th at the UMC Utrecht. This symposium offers an excellent opportunity for medical professionals to discuss and exchange knowledge on the latest developments and treatments in the field of oligometastases.

Recent evidence suggests that improved outcomes can be achieved when treating oligometastatic disease with a radical approach. We believe the time is ripe for collaboration to discover the best treatment strategies tailored to individual patients. This symposium will feature state-of-the-art strategies and near-future prospects in personalizing treatment for oligometastatic esophagogastric cancer, with top-level international experts from across Europe sharing their insights.

At the end of the symposium, we will celebrate the PhD defense of Tiuri Kroese on his thesis entitled
“Oligometastatic Esophagogastric Cancer.

The symposium has been accredited by the NVRO, NIV and the NVvH.

08:30 – 09:00Registration with coffee
Morning Chair Richard van Hillegersberg and Peter van Rossum
09:00 – 09:10Welcome – Richard van Hillegersberg
Local treatment for oligometastatic esophagogastric cancer
09:10 – 09:30Recommendations from the OMEC Project – Tiuri Kroese
09:30 – 09:50MR-guided radiotherapy for oligometastatic disease – Martijn Intven
09:50 – 10:10 SBRT for rare oligometastatic cancers: the phase III OligoRARE trial – Matthias Guckenberger
10:10 – 10:30Break
Hot topics in metastatic esophagogastric cancer
10:30 – 10:50Neck lymph node metastases: the phase II NODE trial – Teus Weijs
10:50 – 11:10Peritoneal metastases: the phase III PERISCOPE trial – Johanna van Sandick
11:10 – 11:30Oligometastases in the brain. Less is more? – Joost Verhoeff
11:30 – 12:30Lunch
Afternoon Chair: Hanneke van Laarhoven and Martijn Intven
Selecting patients for local treatment for oligometastatic esophagogastric cancer
12:30 – 12:50Determining minimal residual disease – Peter van Rossum
12:50 – 13:10Targeted therapy and biomarkers for oligometastatic disease – Markus Moehler
13:10 – 13:30Immunotherapy for oligometastatic disease and the OMEC-5 trial – Hanneke van Laarhoven
13:30 – 13:50Break
Treatment of oligometastastic disease in esophagogastric cancer, current status from:
13:50 – 14:10Multicentre cohort studies it’s all about selection – Bas Wijnhoven
14:10 – 14:30the Netherlands Cancer Registry (IKNL) – Rob Verhoeven
Closure of symposium and invitation for the PhD defense
16:15 – 17:15PhD defense Tiuri Kroese Academiegebouw, University Utrecht